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2/9/2025 9:30 AM
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2/9/2025 11:00 AM
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2/9/2025 1:00 PM


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 BULLETIN - February 9, 2025

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Sermons 2025
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Feb-02-2025 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR The Journey to Godly Wisdom - Part 5
Jan-26-2025 Nader Kawar AR The Journey to Godly Wisdom - Part 4
Jan-26-2025 Nader Kawar EN The Journey to Godly Wisdom - Part 4
Jan-26-2025 Jesus Nuñez ES When You Have an Encounter with God
Jan-19-2025 Nader Kawar AR The Journey to Godly Wisdom - Part 3
Jan-19-2025 Nader Kawar EN The Journey to Godly Wisdom - Part 3
Jan-19-2025 Jesus Nuñez ES Home Defense - Part 2
Jan-12-2025 Nader Kawar AR The Journey to Godly Wisdom - Part 2
Jan-12-2025 Nader Kawar EN The Journey to Godly Wisdom - Part 2
Jan-12-2025 Jesus Nuñez ES Home Defense
Jan-05-2025 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR Rebuilding our lives with Faith and Determination
Sermons 2024
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Dec-31-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR Worship: The Ultimate Goal of Finding Jesus
Dec-29-2024 Belal Byrouti AR Go Deep
Dec-29-2024 John Evers EN Preparing for the New Year
Dec-29-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Reconnect with God
Dec-24-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR Deliverance from Afflictions
Dec-22-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Star's Fulfillment - Joy in Finding Jesus
Dec-22-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Star's Fulfillment - Joy in Finding Jesus
Dec-22-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Conducting a Spiritual Audit - Part 3
Dec-20-2024 AR Arabic Christmas Worship Celebration
Dec-15-2024 Rania Kawar AFRICAN The Anointing
Dec-15-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Journey to Godly Wisdom Through Christmas
Dec-15-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Journey to Godly Wisdom Through Christmas
Dec-15-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Conducting a Spiritual Audit - Part 2
Dec-08-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Journey to Godly Wisdom
Dec-08-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Journey to Godly Wisdom
Dec-08-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Conducting a Spiritual Audit
Dec-01-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR Deliverance from Afflictions
Nov-26-2024 Yesenia Mojarro EN/ES/AR Living With Gratitude
Nov-24-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Power of Divine Access Through the Spiritual Ephod
Nov-24-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Power of Divine Access Through the Spiritual Ephod
Nov-24-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Two options as to how I will live
Nov-23-2024 EN Remembrance Service for Isobel B. Chiera (Howard Henry's Mom)
Nov-17-2024 Eddie Torres AR The Runaway Prophet
Nov-17-2024 Joyann Ainley EN Run The Race With Endurance
Nov-17-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES The Immeasurable Gift of God's Grace - Part 2
Nov-10-2024 Nader Kawar AR Growing Fearless in God's Work by Supporting and Encouraging Each Other
Nov-10-2024 Nader Kawar EN Growing Fearless in God's Work by Supporting and Encouraging Each Other
Nov-10-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES The Immeasurable Gift of God's Grace
Nov-03-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR The Key of Knowledge: Unlocking Truth in Our Lives - Part 2
Oct-27-2024 Jeff and Abby Hunt AR Faithfulness
Oct-27-2024 Jeff and Abby Hunt EN Faithfulness
Oct-27-2024 Jeff and Abby Hunt ES Faithfulness
Oct-20-2024 Joshua Holder AR Sent. God to the Son to Us
Oct-20-2024 Joshua Holder EN Sent. God to the Son to Us
Oct-20-2024 Joshua Holder ES Sent. God to the Son to Us
Oct-13-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Key of Knowledge: Unlocking Truth in Our Lives
Oct-13-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Key of Knowledge: Unlocking Truth in Our Lives
Oct-13-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES How do you feel today
Oct-06-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR “The Fields Are White for Harvest”
Sep-29-2024 Steve & Donna Krstulovich EN/ES/AR Ground Zero in U.S. Muslim Renaissance - The Christian Response to Islam
Sep-22-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of Loving One Another: Reflecting God in Our Lives - Part 4
Sep-22-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Importance of Loving One Another: Reflecting God in Our Lives - Part 4
Sep-22-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Why we should read the Bible
Sep-15-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of Loving One Another: Reflecting God in Our Lives - Part 3
Sep-15-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Importance of Loving One Another: Reflecting God in Our Lives - Part 3
Sep-15-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES How to get spiritual stronger - Part 2
Sep-08-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of Loving One Another: Reflecting God in Our Lives - Part 2
Sep-08-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Importance of Loving One Another: Reflecting God in Our Lives - Part 2
Sep-08-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES How to get spiritual stronger
Sep-01-2024 Nadar Kawar EN/ES/AR The Importance of Loving One Another: Reflecting God in Our Lives
Aug-25-2024 Rania Kawar AR Enter Into My Rest
Aug-25-2024 Rania Kawar EN Enter Into My Rest
Aug-25-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Do not the answer - Part 2
Aug-18-2024 Dr. Zepiure Samawi AR Greatest Unused Power in the World Knowing the Holy Spirit
Aug-18-2024 John Evers EN Who Are You: Understanding Your Identity in Christ
Aug-18-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Do not the answer
Aug-11-2024 Jesus Nuñez AR Taking the Devil Out of Our Business
Aug-11-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN Taking the Devil Out of Our Business
Aug-11-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Taking the Devil Out of Our Business
Aug-04-2024 Nadar Kawar EN/ES/AR Abundant Grace
Jul-28-2024 Becky Nelson EN/ES/AR What are the Commands of God?
Jul-21-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR The Importance of Loving One Another: Reflecting God in Our Lives
Jul-14-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR Table Servers for Christ
Jul-07-2024 Brother Adrian Gomez EN/ES/AR Gideon National Director of Mexico
Jun-30-2024 Nader Kawar AR Developing a Hunger and Thirst in Our Souls for God - Part 2
Jun-30-2024 Nader Kawar EN Developing a Hunger and Thirst in Our Souls for God - Part 2
Jun-30-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES God will honor our faith
Jun-23-2024 Nader Kawar AR Developing a Hunger and Thirst in Our Souls for God
Jun-23-2024 Nader Kawar EN Developing a Hunger and Thirst in Our Souls for God
Jun-23-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Myths about Spiritual Maturity
Jun-16-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR The Call to Be a Godly Father
Jun-09-2024 Nader Kawar AR God's Sustaining Grace for His Chosen People
Jun-09-2024 Nader Kawar EN God's Sustaining Grace for His Chosen People
Jun-09-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Christ's transfiguration. His desires for us
Jun-02-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR Casting our Nets on God's Word in Tough Times
May-26-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN God will honor our faith
May-26-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES God will honor our faith
May-19-2024 Nader Kawar AR Receiving the Holy Spirit Power by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
May-19-2024 Nader Kawar EN Receiving the Holy Spirit Power by the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
May-19-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Have you been blessed?
May-12-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR The Role of Mothers: Through the Eyes of God
May-05-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR How Should We Wait Upon the Lord?
Apr-28-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Your Burning Bush - Part 11
Apr-28-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Your Burning Bush - Part 11
Apr-28-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Do you remember Year 2023
Apr-21-2024 Nader Kawar EN/AR How to Identify and Embrace Your Burning Bush - Part 10
Apr-21-2024 Jesus Nuñez ES Finishing the race well
Apr-14-2024 Rick & Val McGough AR Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Apr-14-2024 Rick & Val McGough EN Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Apr-14-2024 Rick & Val McGough EN/ES Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Apr-07-2024 Justin Morris EN/ES/AR Kingdom Builders
Mar-31-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR Testifying to Resurrection with Great Power
Mar-29-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Final Sermon from the Cross
Mar-29-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES The Final Sermon from the Cross
Mar-24-2024 Nader Kawar AR Welcoming the King
Mar-24-2024 Nader Kawar EN Welcoming the King
Mar-24-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Are we ready to tell our non-Christian friends about Christ
Mar-17-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 9
Mar-17-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 9
Mar-17-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES God works with even unperfect faith - Part 2
Mar-10-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 8
Mar-10-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 8
Mar-10-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES God Works with Even Imperfect Faith
Mar-03-2024 Nader Kawar EN Unified Service - March 3, 2024
Feb-25-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 7
Feb-25-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 7
Feb-25-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Victory over envy
Feb-18-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 6
Feb-18-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 6
Feb-18-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Victory over envy
Feb-11-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 5
Feb-11-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 5
Feb-11-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Don't Make Or Break YOU
Feb-04-2024 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 4
Jan-28-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 3
Jan-28-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 3
Jan-28-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES The Valley of Blessing
Jan-21-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 2
Jan-21-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush - Part 2
Jan-21-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Do You Want Christ To Touch You?
Jan-14-2024 Nader Kawar AR How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush
Jan-14-2024 Nader Kawar EN How to Identify and Embrace Burning Bush
Jan-14-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Rebuilding God's Altar
Jan-07-2024 Nader Kawar AR The Attitude That Overcomes - Part 2
Jan-07-2024 Nader Kawar EN The Attitude That Overcomes - Part 2
Jan-07-2024 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES God Hear Our Prayers
Sermons 2023
Please click on an item
Dec-31-2023 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR The Attitude That Overcomes
Dec-24-2023 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR The Greatest Gift
Dec-22-2023 AR Arabic Christmas Celebration Worship
Dec-17-2023 Ogo Nwyoe AFRICAN LIGHT in the Beginning
Dec-17-2023 Nader Kawar AR Receiving the Great News Proclaimed by Angels
Dec-17-2023 Nader Kawar EN Receiving the Great News Proclaimed by Angels
Dec-17-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Keepers of the King
Dec-10-2023 Joyann Ainley AR Finding True Peace
Dec-10-2023 Joyann Ainley EN Finding True Peace
Dec-10-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES La Familia de la iglesia. Part 4
Dec-03-2023 Nader Kawar AR The Gift of God to Mankind
Dec-03-2023 Nader Kawar EN The Gift of God to Mankind
Dec-03-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES La Familia de la iglesia. Part 3
Nov-26-2023 Nader Kawar AR How to Stay Motivated in Your Faith
Nov-26-2023 Nader Kawar EN How to Stay Motiviated in Your Faith
Nov-26-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES La Familia de la iglesia. Part 2
Nov-21-2023 Nader Kawar EN/ES/AR And Then There Was One
Nov-19-2023 Nader Kawar AR Standing Strong in Persecution
Nov-19-2023 Nader Kawar EN Standing Strong in Persecution
Nov-19-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES La Familia de la iglesia. Part 1
Nov-12-2023 Nader Kawar AR Carrying Each Other’s Burdens - Part 4
Nov-12-2023 Nader Kawar EN Carrying Each Other’s Burdens - Part 4
Nov-12-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES In life we must leave traces not scars
Nov-05-2023 Renae Pilsing EN/SP/AR As In the Days of Noah
Nov-04-2023 Renae Pilsing EN Ladies Pentecostal Prayer Conference (Saturday, Session 2)
Nov-04-2023 Renae Pilsing EN Ladies Pentecostal Prayer Conference (Saturday, Session 1)
Nov-03-2023 Rania Kawar EN Ladies Pentecostal Prayer Conference (Friday)
Oct-29-2023 Jordan & Katie Anderson AR Treasure in the Field
Oct-29-2023 Jordan & Katie Anderson EN Treasure in the Field
Oct-29-2023 Jordan & Katie Anderson EN/ES Treasure in the Field
Oct-22-2023 Monica Gonzalez EN/SP/AR "First of all..."
Oct-15-2023 Nader Kawar AR Carrying Each Other's Burdens - Part 3
Oct-15-2023 Nader Kawar EN Carrying Each Other's Burdens - Part 3
Oct-15-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES In life we must leave traces not scars
Oct-08-2023 Nader Kawar AR Carrying Each Other's Burdens - Part 2
Oct-08-2023 Nader Kawar EN Carrying Each Other's Burdens - Part 2
Oct-08-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Matters of the Heart - Part 2
Oct-01-2023 Nader Kawar AR Carrying Each Other's Burdens
Oct-01-2023 Nader Kawar EN Carrying Each Other's Burdens
Oct-01-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Matters of the Heart
Sep-24-2023 Nader Kawar AR Divine peace through practicing gratitude and surrender to God
Sep-24-2023 Nader Kawar EN Divine peace through practicing gratitude and surrender to God
Sep-24-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES GPS. HOLY SPIRIT
Sep-17-2023 Nader Kawar AR The Promise of Divine Peace “Generating Inner Peace Through the Spiritual Growth of Life's Challenges” - Part 5
Sep-17-2023 Nader Kawar EN The Promise of Divine Peace “Generating Inner Peace Through the Spiritual Growth of Life's Challenges” - Part 5
Sep-17-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES La Cosecha
Sep-10-2023 Nader Kawar AR The Promise of Divine Peace “Generating Inner Peace Through the Spiritual Growth of Life's Challenges” - Part 4
Sep-10-2023 Nader Kawar EN The Promise of Divine Peace “Generating Inner Peace Through the Spiritual Growth of Life's Challenges” - Part 4
Sep-10-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES La Cosecha
Sep-03-2023 Nader Kawar EN/SP/AR The Promise of Divine Peace “Generating Inner Peace Through the Spiritual Growth of Life's Challenges” - Part 3
Aug-27-2023 Nader Kawar AR The Promise of Divine Peace “Unshakable Peace” - Part 2
Aug-27-2023 Nader Kawar EN The Promise of Divine Peace “Unshakable Peace” - Part 2
Aug-27-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Satanás es un Oportunista
Aug-20-2023 Dr. Zepiure Samawi AR Road to Victory in Serving and Witnessing for Christ
Aug-20-2023 Dr. Zepiure Samawi EN Road to Victory in Serving and Witnessing for Christ
Aug-20-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Entrando en el Descanso de Dios
Aug-13-2023 Nader Kawar AR The Promise of Divine Peace
Aug-13-2023 Nader Kawar EN The Promise of Divine Peace
Aug-13-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Entrando en el Descanso de Dios
Aug-06-2023 Nader Kawar EN Preparing to Become Skilled Fishers of Men - Part 2
Jul-30-2023 Nader Kawar AR Preparing to Become Skilled Fishers of Men
Jul-30-2023 Nader Kawar EN Preparing to Become Skilled Fishers of Men
Jul-30-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Derrotando la Preocupación
Jul-23-2023 Nader Kawar AR Empowered by the Holy Spirit to Spread the Gospel
Jul-23-2023 Nader Kawar EN Empowered by the Holy Spirit to Spread the Gospel
Jul-23-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Derrotando la Preocupación
Jul-16-2023 Nader Kawar EN/SP/AR How to Build a Craving for Evangelism – Part 3
Jul-09-2023 Nader Kawar AR How to Build a Craving for Evangelism – Part 2
Jul-09-2023 Nader Kawar EN How to Build a Craving for Evangelism – Part 2
Jul-09-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Cómo Protegerse de las Estafas Financieras
Jul-02-2023 Nader Kawar AR
Jul-02-2023 Nader Kawar EN
Jul-02-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES
Jun-25-2023 Nader Kawar AR سفراء المسيح
Jun-25-2023 Nader Kawar EN Ambassadors for Christ: Representing the Kingdom of God
Jun-25-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Creciendo Hacia la Madurez Espiritual - 3
Jun-18-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN/SP/AR The Third Day
Jun-16-2023 Nader Kawar EN Layth Kawar and Subrine Yasin Wedding Ceremony
Jun-11-2023 JoyAnn Ainley AR Power Of Our Words
Jun-11-2023 JoyAnn Ainley EN Power Of Our Words
Jun-11-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Creciendo Hacia la Madurez Espiritual - 2
Jun-04-2023 Nader Kawar AR أطلق الامكانيات الغير محدودة في داخلك
Jun-04-2023 Nader Kawar EN Unleashing the Limitless Potential Within Us
Jun-04-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Creciendo Hacia la Madurez Espiritual - 1
May-28-2023 Steve & Donna Krstulovich AR Pentecost Sunday
May-28-2023 Steve & Donna Krstulovich EN Pentecost Sunday
May-28-2023 Steve & Donna Krstulovich EN/ES Pentecost Sunday
May-21-2023 Nader Kawar AR
May-21-2023 Nader Kawar EN
May-21-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Nuestro Mayor Peligro
May-14-2023 Ogo Nwyoe EN/SP/AR Mother's Day 2023 Unified Service
May-05-2023 Nader Kawar AR الجمال من الرماد
May-05-2023 Jesus Nuñez EN/ES Por Que Eres Importante Para Dios?
May-05-2023 Nader Kawar EN Beauty from Ashes
Apr-30-2023 Missionary Mark Bettinger AR Set Free
Apr-30-2023 Missionary Mark Bettinger EN/ES Set Free
Apr-30-2023 Missionary Mark Bettinger EN Set Free
Apr-23-2023 Missionary Jim Brown AR The God Who Sees
Apr-23-2023 Missionary Jim Brown EN/ES El Dios Que Ve
Apr-23-2023 Missionary Jim Brown EN The God Who Sees
Apr-16-2023 Nader Kawar AR كيف تكرم الرب في حياتك
Apr-16-2023 Nader Kawar EN/ES A Forceful Display of Faith
Apr-16-2023 Nader Kawar EN A Forceful Display of Faith
Apr-09-2023 Nader Kawar EN Unified Easter Service
Apr-07-2023 Nader Kawar AR Death Has Been Defeated
Apr-07-2023 Nader Kawar EN What Is Finished
Apr-02-2023 Nader Kawar AR كيف تكرم الرب في حياتك
Apr-02-2023 Nader Kawar EN/ES Cómo Honrar al Señor
Apr-02-2023 Nader Kawar EN How to Honor the Lord
Mar-26-2023 Pastor Nader Kawar Election
Mar-26-2023 Carlos Paniagua AR A Heart Set On God
Mar-26-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Un Corazón Puesto en Dios
Mar-26-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN A Heart Set On God
Mar-19-2023 JoyAnn Ainley AR قلب التوبة
Mar-19-2023 JoyAnn Ainley EN/ES Un Corazon de Arrepentimiento
Mar-19-2023 JoyAnn Ainley EN A Heart of Repentance
Mar-12-2023 Carlos Paniagua AR Never Quotes
Mar-12-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Nunca Cotizaciones
Mar-12-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN Never Quotes
Mar-05-2023 Nader Kawar AR أبواب أورشاليم
Mar-05-2023 Nader Kawar EN/ES Cómo Manejar la Presión
Mar-05-2023 Nader Kawar EN How to Handle Pressure
Feb-26-2023 Nader Kawar AR أبواب أورشاليم
Feb-26-2023 John Evers EN/ES El Poder de la Alabanza
Feb-26-2023 John Evers EN The Power of Praise
Feb-19-2023 Carlos Paniagua AR 3-Fold Declarations
Feb-19-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Declaraciones de 3 Pliegues
Feb-19-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN 3-Fold Declarations
Feb-12-2023 Nader Kawar AR كيف نخطوا نحو البركات التي لنا في المستقبل
Feb-12-2023 Nader Kawar EN/ES Vivir Según la Perspectiva de Dios
Feb-12-2023 Nader Kawar EN Living According to God’s Perspective
Feb-05-2023 Carlos Paniagua AR Raising the Bar
Feb-05-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Elevando el Listón
Feb-05-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN Raising the Bar
Jan-29-2023 Rania Kawar AR The Glorious Freedom of the Children of God
Jan-29-2023 Rania Kawar EN/ES La Gloriosa Libertad de los Hijos de Dios
Jan-29-2023 Rania Kawar EN The Glorious Freedom of the Children of God
Jan-22-2023 Carlos Paniagua AR 1%ers
Jan-22-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES 1%ers
Jan-22-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN 1%ers
Jan-15-2023 Nader Kawar AR
Jan-15-2023 JoyAnn Ainley EN/ES Año Nuevo, Mente Renovada
Jan-15-2023 JoyAnn Ainley EN New Year, Renewed Mind
Jan-08-2023 Carlos Paniagua AR A Few of My Favorite "Things"
Jan-08-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Algunas de mis "Cosas" Favoritas
Jan-08-2023 Carlos Paniagua EN A Few of My Favorite "Things"
Jan-01-2023 Nader Kawar EN Keep the Well of Your Life Flowing
Sermons 2022
Please click on an item
Dec-25-2022 John Evers EN What Are You Looking For This Year?
Dec-24-2022 John Evers EN Journeys... Theirs and Ours
Dec-18-2022 Carlos Paniagua AR Worshipping the King
Dec-18-2022 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Adorando al Rey
Dec-18-2022 Carlos Paniagua EN Worshipping the King
Dec-11-2022 Rania Kawar AR معطر بالمر
Dec-11-2022 Rania Kawar EN/ES Perfumado con Mirra
Dec-11-2022 Rania Kawar EN Perfumed with Myrrh
Dec-04-2022 Carlos Paniagua AR Virgins
Dec-04-2022 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Vírgenes
Dec-04-2022 Carlos Paniagua EN Virgins
Nov-27-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Happy Life According to God's Design
Nov-27-2022 JoyAnn Ainley EN/ES Una Emocíon de Esperanza
Nov-27-2022 JoyAnn Ainley EN The Thrill of Hope
Nov-22-2022 Lawrence Batarseh EN Unified Thanksgiving Service
Nov-20-2022 Carlos Paniagua AR A Reason to Give Thanks
Nov-20-2022 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Un Razones Para dar Gracias
Nov-20-2022 Carlos Paniagua EN A Reason to Give Thanks
Nov-13-2022 Nader Kawar AR Don’t Draw Back
Nov-13-2022 Nader Kawar EN/ES No Retrocedas
Nov-13-2022 Nader Kawar EN Don’t Draw Back
Nov-06-2022 Carlos Paniagua AR Sifting
Nov-06-2022 Carlos Paniagua EN/ES Tamizar
Nov-06-2022 Carlos Paniagua EN Sifting
Nov-02-2022 Doug Banks EN Stella Ramijanc Memorial Service
Oct-30-2022 Chuck and Wilma Lormis AR What part will you play?
Oct-30-2022 Chuck y Wilma Lormis EN/ES ¿Qué papel jugarás?
Oct-30-2022 Chuck and Wilma Lormis EN What part will you play?
Oct-23-2022 Larry Griswold AR When God Speaks
Oct-23-2022 Larry Griswold EN/ES Cuando Dios Habla
Oct-23-2022 Larry Griswold EN When God Speaks
Oct-16-2022 Doug Banks EN Leading the Multicultural/Ethnic Church - Pastors Doug and Lamond Banks Retirement Unified Service
Oct-09-2022 Nader Kawar AR
Oct-02-2022 Nader Kawar AR الحياة سعيدة التنظيم اللهي
Oct-02-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Todos a Bordo
Oct-02-2022 Doug Banks EN All Aboard
Sep-25-2022 Doug Banks AR The Macedonian Call
Sep-25-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES La Llamada Macedonia
Sep-25-2022 Doug Banks EN The Macedonian Call
Sep-24-2022 Zepiure Samawi EN Women's Prayer Conference Fall 2022 - Saturday Session
Sep-23-2022 JoyAnn Ainley EN Women's Prayer Conference Fall 2022 - Friday Session
Sep-18-2022 Bill Martin AR Missionary Bill Martin
Sep-18-2022 Bill Martin EN/ES Missionero Bill Martin
Sep-18-2022 Bill Martin EN Missionary Bill Martin
Sep-11-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 7 (أهمية معمودية الروح القدس)
Sep-11-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Un día Para Nuestra Ggeneración
Sep-11-2022 Doug Banks EN A Day for Our Generation
Sep-04-2022 Doug Banks EN God Is Doing a New Thing - Unified Labor Day Service
Aug-28-2022 Doug Banks EN LaVerne Virginia Skrobot Memorial Service
Aug-28-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 7 (أهمية معمودية الروح القدس)
Aug-28-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES En Construcción
Aug-28-2022 Doug Banks EN Under Construction
Aug-28-2022 Doug Banks EN Richard J. Stachowski Memorial Service
Aug-21-2022 Missionaries Shannon and Becky Boehl AR Pray, Give, Go
Aug-21-2022 Misioneros Shannon and Becky Boehl EN/ES Orando, Dadivoso, Ida
Aug-21-2022 Missionaries Shannon and Becky Boehl EN Pray, Give, Go
Aug-14-2022 Rick McGough AR Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament
Aug-14-2022 Rick McGough EN/ES Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament
Aug-14-2022 Rick McGough EN Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament
Aug-07-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Puertas Abiertas y Muchos Adversarios
Aug-07-2022 Doug Banks EN Open Doors and Many Adversaries
Jul-31-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 6 (أهمية معمودية الروح القدس)
Jul-31-2022 Rev. Vince Lambert EN/ES The Deeper Things of God
Jul-31-2022 Rev. Vince Lambert EN The Deeper Things of God
Jul-24-2022 Doug Banks AR Blessings from Obedience
Jul-24-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Bendiciones de la Obediencia
Jul-24-2022 Doug Banks EN Blessings from Obedience
Jul-17-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 5 (أهمية معمودية الروح القدس)
Jul-17-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Bendiciones o Maldiciones
Jul-17-2022 Doug Banks EN Blessings or Curses
Jul-10-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 4 (أهمية معمودية الروح القدس)
Jul-10-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES La Prominencia del Espíritu Santo en la Iglesia del Nuevo Testamento
Jul-10-2022 Doug Banks EN The Prominence of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament Church
Jul-03-2022 Doug Banks EN Unified Service: I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This
Jun-26-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 3 (أهمية معمودية الروح القدس)
Jun-26-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Empoderamiento por el Espíritu Santo, Vida y Ministerio de Jesús - Parte 2
Jun-26-2022 Doug Banks EN Empowerment by the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ Life and Ministry - Part 2
Jun-19-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Father is Appointed by the Lord to be the Head of the Family (الأب معين من الرب ليكون رأس للعائلة)
Jun-19-2022 Dr. Bill Hennessy EN/ES Comprender la guía y la Dirección de Dios
Jun-19-2022 Dr. Bill Hennessy EN Understanding God’s Guidance and Direction
Jun-12-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Part 2 (‏أهمية معمودية الروح القدس)
Jun-12-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Empoderamiento por el Espíritu Santo, Vida y Ministerio de Jesús - Parte 1
Jun-12-2022 Doug Banks EN Empowerment by the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ Life and Ministry - Part 1
Jun-06-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Importance of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (‏أهمية معمودية الروح القدس)
Jun-06-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Un Día de Bautismo de Pentecostés
Jun-06-2022 Doug Banks EN A Day of Pentecost Baptism
May-29-2022 Nader Kawar AR
May-29-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES La Palabra del Señor para Nosotros
May-29-2022 Doug Banks EN The Word of the Lord to Us
May-22-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Fiery Trial and the Right Perspective to Deal With It - Part 7
May-22-2022 Renny Roufail EN/ES Intimacy with God
May-22-2022 Aquilus Ricks EN Who Is with Jesus
May-15-2022 AR Abiding in christ (the vine-the branches-the prunes) (الثبات في يسوع الكرمة و الاغصان و التنقية)
May-15-2022 JoyAnn Ainley EN/ES Servir O Ser Servido
May-15-2022 JoyAnn Ainley EN To Serve Or Be Served
May-08-2022 Rania Kawar AR Mother's Day 2022: Blessed Are You (طوبى لك)
May-08-2022 Rania Kawar EN/ES Mother's Day 2022: Blessed Are You
May-08-2022 Rania Kawar EN Mother's Day 2022: Blessed Are You
May-07-2022 AR Greg Ladd Memorial Service
May-01-2022 Urban America: Rev. Spencer and Kathy Jones AR Spring Missions Convention 2022
May-01-2022 Urban America: Rev. Spencer and Kathy Jones EN/ES Convención de Misiones de Primavera 2022: ¿Qué Tienes?
May-01-2022 Urban America: Rev. Spencer and Kathy Jones EN Spring Missions Convention 2022: What Do You Have?
Apr-24-2022 AR Spring Missions Convention 2022
Apr-24-2022 EN/ES Convención de Misiones de Primavera 2022
Apr-24-2022 EN Spring Missions Convention 2022
Apr-17-2022 Nader Kawar AR The blood shall be to you a token (و يكون لكم الدم علامه) - Part 2
Apr-17-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Overcoming Jealousy and Distractions
Apr-17-2022 Doug Banks EN Overcoming Jealousy and Distractions
Apr-15-2022 Nader Kawar AR The blood shall be to you a token (و يكون لكم الدم علامه) - Part 1
Apr-15-2022 Doug Banks EN Good Friday: The Power Released in the Death of Jesus
Apr-10-2022 Nader Kawar AR Claiming the Messiah in a Personal Way (فرح تخصيص المسيح لنفسنك)
Apr-10-2022 Lamond Banks EN/ES La entrada Triunfal a Jerusalén
Apr-10-2022 Lamond Banks EN The Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem
Apr-03-2022 Nader Kawar AR The fiery trial and the right perspective to deal with it - Part 6 (البلوى المحرقة و المنظور الصحيح للتعامل معها)
Apr-03-2022 Lamond Banks EN/ES Frente al Gigante
Apr-03-2022 Lamond Banks EN Facing the Giant
Mar-20-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Fiery Trial and the Right Perspective to Deal With It - Part 5
Mar-20-2022 Doug Banks EN/ES Guardianes Espirituales - Isaías 62:1
Mar-20-2022 Doug Banks EN Spiritual Gatekeepers - Isaiah 62:1
Mar-13-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Fiery Trial and the Right Perspective to Deal With It - Part 4
Mar-13-2022 John Evers EN/ES Confiar en el Señor en Tiempos Difíciles
Mar-13-2022 John Evers EN Trusting the Lord During Difficult Times
Mar-06-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Fiery Trial and the Right Perspective to Deal With It - Part 3
Mar-06-2022 Lamond Banks EN/ES Fe Persistente
Mar-06-2022 Lamond Banks EN Persistent Faith
Feb-27-2022 Missionary Bill Shrader AR Arabic Service: Repent and Believe
Feb-27-2022 Missionero Bill Shrader ES/EN Arrepentirse y Creer
Feb-27-2022 Missionary Bill Shrader EN Repent and Believe
Feb-20-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Fiery Trial and the Right Perspective to Deal With It - Part 2
Feb-20-2022 Doug Banks ES/EN Cuando el Faraón Llama
Feb-20-2022 Doug Banks EN When Pharaoh Calls
Feb-13-2022 Nader Kawar AR The Fiery Trial and the Right Perspective to Deal With It - Part 1
Feb-13-2022 Doug Banks ES/EN El Ministerio Puede ser Peligroso para su Matrimonio
Feb-13-2022 Doug Banks EN Ministry Can Be Hazardous to Your Marriage
Feb-06-2022 Nader Kawar AR Arabic Service
Feb-06-2022 Doug Banks ES/EN Gestión del Ministerio
Feb-06-2022 Doug Banks EN Managing the Ministry
Jan-23-2022 Doug Banks AR Arabic Service
Jan-23-2022 Doug Banks ES/EN Construyendo el Carácter de Sirviente
Jan-23-2022 Doug Banks EN Building Servant Character
Jan-16-2022 Doug Banks AR Arabic Service
Jan-16-2022 Doug Banks ES/EN El Llamado al Servicio
Jan-16-2022 Doug Banks EN The Call to Servanthood
Jan-09-2022 Nader Kawar AR Arabic Service
Jan-09-2022 Doug Banks ES/EN Manejando tu vida Espiritual
Jan-09-2022 Doug Banks EN Managing Your Spiritual Life
Jan-02-2022 Nader Kawar AR Arabic Service
Jan-02-2022 Doug Banks ES/EN Una Palabra que no Creerías Incluso si te la Dijeran
Jan-02-2022 Doug Banks EN A Word You Would Not Believe Even If It Were Told You
English Sermons 2021
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Dec-31-2021 Doug Banks New Year's Eve 2021: 'So They Hurried Off and Found...'
Dec-26-2021 John Evers Se Acabóla Navidad. ¿Y ahora qué?
Dec-26-2021 John Evers Christmas Is Over. Now What?
Dec-24-2021 Nader Kawar Christmas Eve Service
Dec-19-2021 JoyAnn Ainley Los Nombres de Jesus
Dec-19-2021 JoyAnn Ainley The Names of Jesus
Dec-12-2021 Doug Banks La Prueba de Dios Para los Líderes
Dec-12-2021 Doug Banks God’s Test for Leaders
Dec-05-2021 Doug Banks Un corazón Correcto o Un Corazón Equivocado - Parte 2
Dec-05-2021 Doug Banks A Right Heart or A Wrong Heart - Part 2
Nov-28-2021 Doug Banks Un corazón Correcto o Un Corazón Equivocado
Nov-28-2021 Doug Banks A Right Heart or A Wrong Heart
Nov-23-2021 Nader Kawar Thanksgiving Service - Thanksgiving Activates the Power of God In Our Lives
Nov-21-2021 Doug Banks Seis maneras de agradar al Señor
Nov-21-2021 Doug Banks Six Ways of Pleasing the Lord
Nov-14-2021 Doug Banks La Iglesia Perseguida
Nov-14-2021 Doug Banks The Persecuted Church
Nov-07-2021 Doug Banks ¿Dios se Siente Decepcionado o Disgustado con los Creyentes y los No Creyentes?
Nov-07-2021 Doug Banks Does God Feel Disappointment or Displeasure with Believers and Non-Believers?
Oct-31-2021 Jeff y Abby Hunt Missioneros - Jeff y Abby Hunt
Oct-31-2021 Jeff & Abby Hunt Missionary Speakers - Jeff & Abby Hunt
Oct-24-2021 Joyce Kitano Missionera - Joyce Kitano
Oct-24-2021 Joyce Kitano Missionary Speaker - Joyce Kitano
Oct-10-2021 Lamond Banks Desempacando ... ¡En Preparación Para Lo Desconocido!
Oct-10-2021 Lamond Banks Unpacking … In Preparation For The Unknown!
Oct-03-2021 Doug Banks Comprender los Tiempos y Saber qué Hacer
Oct-03-2021 Doug Banks Understanding the Times and Knowing What to Do
Sep-26-2021 Doug Banks La Cuarentena de Todos los Tiempos
Sep-26-2021 Doug Banks The Quarantine of All Time
Sep-25-2021 Dr. Kristi Lemley Arms Held High - Day 2
Sep-24-2021 Dr. Kristi Lemley Arms Held High - Day 1
Sep-19-2021 Doug Banks Surely Goodness and Mercy Shall Follow Me All of My Life
Sep-19-2021 Doug Banks Ciertamente El Bien y La Misericordia Me Seguirán Toda Mi Vida
Sep-12-2021 Doug Banks The Job/Ministry That Nobody Wants
Sep-12-2021 Doug Banks El Trabajo / Ministerio que Nadie Quiere
Sep-05-2021 Doug Banks Unified Service: A Day to Honor Workers
Aug-29-2021 Doug Banks El Sufrimiento de los Justos
Aug-29-2021 Doug Banks The Suffering of the Righteous
Aug-22-2021 Doug Banks Camino a la Restauración
Aug-22-2021 Doug Banks Road to Restoration
Aug-15-2021 Doug Banks La Teología del Segundo Viento
Aug-15-2021 Doug Banks The Theology of the 2nd Wind
Aug-08-2021 Lamond Banks Descansando Fácil
Aug-08-2021 Lamond Banks Resting Easy
Aug-01-2021 Doug Banks Corriendo la Carrera Pero no en Vano
Aug-01-2021 Doug Banks Running the Race But Not in Vain
Jul-25-2021 Larry & Melodee Gruetzmacher Misiones Isaías 40:28-31
Jul-25-2021 Larry & Melodee Gruetzmacher Missions Isaiah 40:28-31
Jul-18-2021 Doug Banks Pidiendo Sabiduría
Jul-18-2021 Doug Banks Asking for Wisdom
Jul-11-2021 Rev. Charles Moodie Jesús se Detuvo
Jul-11-2021 Rev. Charles Moodie Jesus Stopped
Jun-27-2021 Doug Banks El Llamado de Dios a Tu vida
Jun-27-2021 Doug Banks God’s Call on Your Life
Jun-20-2021 Doug Banks Diez Cosas que Podemos Aprender de José, el Padrastro de Jesús
Jun-20-2021 Doug Banks 10 Things That We Can Learn from Joseph, the Stepfather of Jesus
Jun-13-2021 Doug Banks El Verdadero Arrepentimiento Debe Ser un Estilo de Vida
Jun-13-2021 Doug Banks True Repentance Must Be a Lifestyle
Jun-12-2021 Felipa Machuca Tiu Funeral
Jun-12-2021 Felipa Machuca Tiu Homegoing Service
Jun-06-2021 JoyAnn Ainley Velar, Luchar y Orar
Jun-06-2021 JoyAnn Ainley Watch, Fight, Pray
May-30-2021 Doug Banks El Gran Engaño
May-30-2021 Doug Banks The Great Deception
May-23-2021 Rick McGough Faith, Reason and Reality
May-23-2021 Rick McGough Faith, Reason and Reality
May-16-2021 Doug Banks El espíritu de Esta Era
May-16-2021 Doug Banks The Spirit of This Age
May-09-2021 Lamond Banks El privilegio y el Propósito de la Maternidad
May-09-2021 Lamond Banks The Privilege and Purpose of Motherhood
May-02-2021 Pastor JoyAnn Ainley Su Bondad Amorosa
May-02-2021 Pastor JoyAnn Ainley His Lovingkindness
Apr-25-2021 Missioneros Drs. Steve y Donna Krstulovich - Global Initiative Convención de Misiones de Primavera 2021 Semana 2
Apr-25-2021 Missionaries Drs. Steve & Donna Krstulovich - Global Initiative Spring Missions Convention 2021 Week 2
Apr-18-2021 Missioneros Tom y Jenni Keating Convención de Misiones de Primavera 2021 Semana 1
Apr-18-2021 Missionaries Tom & Jenni Keating Spring Missions Convention 2021 Week 1
Apr-11-2021 Doug Banks Los Peligros del Futuro de las Misiones
Apr-11-2021 Doug Banks The Dangers of the Future of Missions
Apr-04-2021 Doug Banks ¿Religión Ritual o Relación Real?
Apr-04-2021 Doug Banks Ritual Religion or Real Relationship?
Apr-02-2021 Doug Banks Having Peace While Facing Trouble (Good Friday)
Mar-28-2021 Doug Banks Porque aún no había llegado su hora
Mar-28-2021 Doug Banks Because His Time Had Not Yet Come
Mar-21-2021 Lamond Banks ¡El Espíritu Santo está Obrando!
Mar-21-2021 Lamond Banks The Holy Spirit is at Work!
Mar-14-2021 Doug Banks Puede Dios Confiar en Nosotros?
Mar-14-2021 Doug Banks Can We Be Trusted by God?
Mar-07-2021 Doug Banks Bienvenido al Ministerio Parte 6: Ley y Orden
Mar-07-2021 Doug Banks Welcome to the Ministry Part 6: Law and Order
Feb-28-2021 Nader Kawar La Transformación Renovando de Nuestra Mente a Través de la Palabra de Dios
Feb-28-2021 Nader Kawar The Transforming by the Renewing of our Mind
Feb-21-2021 Rania Kawar Se Valiente
Feb-21-2021 Rania Kawar Be Courageous
Feb-14-2021 Doug Banks Beinvenidos al Ministerio Parte 5: El Amor se ha Equivocado
Feb-14-2021 Doug Banks Welcome to the Ministry Part 5: Love Gone Wrong
Feb-7-2021 Doug Banks Beinvenidos al Ministerio Parte 4: Visiones y Espinas
Feb-7-2021 Doug Banks Welcome to the Ministry Part 4: Visions and Thorns
Ene-31-2021 Doug Banks Beinvenidos al Ministerio Parte 3: Tiempos de Locura, Jactancia y Debilidad
Jan-31-2021 Doug Banks Welcome to the Ministry Part 3: Time of Foolishness, Boasting and Weakness
Ene-17-2021 Doug Banks Bienvenido a la Serie Ministerial Parte 2: "Reconociendo a los Falsos Profetas"
Jan-17-2021 Doug Banks Welcome to Ministry Part 2: "False Prophets"
Ene-10-2021 Doug Banks Bienvenido a la Serie Ministerial Parte 1: La Defensa de Pablo de su Ministerio
Jan-10-2021 Doug Banks Welcome to Ministry Part 1: Paul's Defense of the Ministry
Ene-03-2021 Doug Banks Provisión de Dios Antes de Tiempo
Jan-03-2021 Doug Banks God's Provision Ahead of Time
English Sermons 2020
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Dec-31-2020 Rev Rania Kawar New Year's Eve Unified Service: Great is the Faithfulness of the Lord
Dec-27-2020 Adriana Menchaca Vega Un Tiempo con Dios
Dec-27-2020 Rev Doug Banks Doing What the Lord Requires
Dec-24-2020 Rev Doug Banks Christmas Eve Service: Waking Up
Dec-20-2020 Rev Doug Banks The Preparation of the Birth of John the Baptist and Jesus
Dec-13-2020 Rev Doug Banks The Gospel Accounts of Luke and John
Dec-06-2020 Rev Doug Banks The Gospel Accounts of Matthew and Mark
Nov-29-2020 Rev Doug Banks The Coming of the Messiah
Nov-22-2020 Rev Doug Banks If I'm Living Right Why Do I Hurt
Nov-15-2020 Rev Doug Banks Living Our Lives in the Light of Eternity
Nov-08-2020 Lamond Banks What Is Your Story
Nov-01-2020 Rev Doug Banks Traveling Through the Intersections of Life
Oct-25-2020 Laura Goodrich, Missionary to South Africa Laura Goodrich, Missionary to South Africa
Oct-18-2020 Rev Doug Banks A Heart For Missions
Oct-11-2020 Rev Doug Banks Building Faith for the Task At Hand
Oct-04-2020 Rev Doug Banks God's Call Comes When Least Expected
Sep-27-2020 Rev Doug Banks Recognizing the Promised Land When You See It
Sep-20-2020 Lamond Banks The Prophet Speaks Out
Sep-13-2020 Rev Doug Banks Journey Through Grief (Part 2)
Sep-06-2020 Rev Doug Banks Journey Through Grief
Aug-30-2020 Rev Doug Banks Lessons From Peter On Ministry Crises Management
Aug-23-2020 Lamond Banks Knock, Knock - Who' s Knocking at Your Door?
Aug-16-2020 Rev Doug Banks A Dark Day and A Brilliant End
Aug-09-2020 Rev Donovan Barron Living During A Deadly Pandemic
Aug-02-2020 Rev Doug Banks Another Vision of the Future (Cont'd)
Jul-26-2020 Rev Doug Banks A New Vision For The Future
Jul-19-2020 Rev Doug Banks The Power of Intercession
Jul-12-2020 Rev Doug Banks Visions of the Future and Past
Jul-05-2020 Rev Doug Banks Living In The Shelter
Jun-28-2020 Rev Doug Banks World Powers In Conflict
Jun-21-2020 Rev Doug Banks On the Menu at the Lions Club
Jun-14-2020 Rev Doug Banks Read The Signs
Jun-07-2020 Rev Doug Banks The Sovereign God Rules
May-31-2020 Rev Doug Banks Bow Or Burn
May-24-2020 Rev Doug Banks Crisis Avoided - Part 2
May-17-2020 Rev Doug Banks And Life Suddenly Changed
May-10-2020 Lamond Banks Be Strong and Courageous
May-03-2020 Rev Doug Banks Investing Or Squandering
May-02-2020 Rev Doug Banks Rev Felicia Ailende Memorial
Apr-26-2020 Rev Doug Banks The City to Which I Have Carried You
Apr-19-2020 Rev Doug Banks Hope Restored
Easter Apr-12-2020 Rev Doug Banks While It Was Still Dark
Apr-10-2020 Rev Doug Banks Suffering and Bereavement
Apr-05-2020 Rev Doug Banks Days of Discernment - Part 3
Mar-29-2020 Rev Doug Banks Days of Discernment - Part 2
Mar-22-2020 Rev Doug Banks Days of Discernment - Part 1
Mar-01-2020 Doug Banks Obtaining and Keeping Favor of God
Feb-23-2020 Doug Banks From Generation to Generation
Feb-16-2020 Mark Schuler Missionary Mark Schuler
Feb-09-2020 Doug Banks Changing with the Seasons of Life
Feb-02-2020 Lamond Banks The Rising Up of Dead Dreams
Jan-26-2020 Nicola Robinson Christians Against Poverty
Jan-19-2020 Doug Banks Growing In Christ
Jan-12-2020 Doug Banks Praying in Tongues Levels the Praying Ground
Jan-05-2020 Doug Banks Past, Present, and Future - Part 3
English Sermons 2019
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Dec-31-2019 Doug Banks Past, Present, and Future - Part 2
Dec-29-2019 Doug Banks Past, Present, and Future - Part 1
Dec-24-2019 Doug Banks Believing for the Impossible - Part 5
Dec-22-2019 Doug Banks Believing for the Impossible - Part 4
Dec-15-2019 Doug Banks Believing for the Impossible - Part 3
Dec-08-2019 Doug Banks Believing for the Impossible - Part 2
Dec-01-2019 Doug Banks Believing for the Impossible - Part 1
Nov-24-2019 Doug Banks The Persecuted Church
Nov-17-2019 Doug Banks Times of Holy Separation - Part 3
Nov-10-2019 Doug Banks Times of Holy Separation - Part 2
Nov-03-2019 Doug Banks Times of Holy Separation - Part 1
Oct-27-2019 Fornelli Ministry Missions - Fornelli Ministry
Oct-20-2019 David and Donna Delph Missions - David and Donna Delph
Oct-13-2019 Doug Banks Seasons of Life in the Ministry
Oct-06-2019 Doug Banks Dealing with Feelings of Abandonment and Loss
Sep-29-2019 Lamond Banks Refuse to Surrender to the Enemy
Sep-22-2019 Doug Banks The Vision of Obadiah Part 2
Sep-15-2019 Doug Banks The Vision of Obadiah Part 1
Sep-08-2019 Gama and Amal Gerges Gama and Amal Gerges
Sep-01-2019 Doug Banks God Has a Purpose for Our Lives
Aug-25-2019 Mark Haney Missionary - Mark Haney
Aug-18-2019 Nader Kawar The Symptoms of Lukewarmness
Aug-11-2019 Doug Banks Conviction vs. Condemnation
Aug-04-2019 Nader Kawar The Reliable Word of God
Jul-28-2019 Doug Banks Identifying Idolatry In Our Lives
Jul-21-2019 Doug Banks Giving Birth Is Messy
Jul-14-2019 Lamond Banks On Your Mark, Get Set, Go
Jul-07-2019 Stevens Family Music Stevens Family Music
Jun-30-2019 Doug Banks The Fire on the Altar Must Be Kept Burning
Jun-23-2019 Scott Miller Scott and Diana Miller
Jun-16-2019 Doug Banks The Life of Abraham - A Man's Journey
Jun-09-2019 Doug Banks Who Is The Holy Spirit - Part 3
Jun-02-2019 Doug Banks Who Is The Holy Spirit - Part 2
May-26-2019 Doug Banks Who Is The Holy Spirit - Part 1
May-19-2019 Doug Banks Does Jesus Trust You?
May-12-2019 Doug Banks Motherhood - God's Idea
May-05-2019 Doug Banks Find Your Voice and Make a Stand
Apr-28-2019 Doug Banks Sanctity of Life
Apr-21-2019 Doug Banks Who Will Roll the Stone Away
Apr-19-2019 Doug Banks The Stone of Entrapment
Apr-14-2019 Doug Banks The Stone/The Rock
Apr-07-2019 Lamond Banks Make Haste Slowly
Mar-31-2019 Renae Pilsing Missionary - Renae Pilsing
Mar-24-2019 Teen Challenge IL - Brian Wood Missionary - Teen Challenge IL - Brian Wood
Mar-17-2019 Cornell Jordan I Just Want to Remind You
Mar-10-2019 Doug Banks Waiting Until Then
Mar-03-2019 Lamond Banks When the Lord Speaks
Feb-24-2019 Joshua Holder Joshua Holder - Missionary
Feb-10-2019 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 10 - Personal Tongues
Feb-03-2019 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 9 - Prophecy
Jan-27-2019 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 8 - Miracles
Jan-20-2019 Jon and Carol Post Missionaries Jon and Carol Post
Jan-13-2019 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 7 - Healing
Jan-06-2019 Doug Banks Blessing Time 2019
English Sermons 2018
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Jan-27-2019 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 8 - Miracles
Jan-20-2019 Jon and Carol Post Missionaries Jon and Carol Post
Jan-13-2019 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 7 - Healing
Jan-06-2019 Doug Banks Blessing Time 2019
Dec-31-2018 Nader Kawar Citizen of the Kingdom
Dec-30-2018 Nader Kawar The 7 Fold Ministry of the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
Dec-24-2018 Doug Banks So What Do I Do Now?
Dec-23-2018 Doug Banks Family Relations at Christmas
Dec-16-2018 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 6 - Power
Dec-09-2018 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 5 - Discernment
Dec-02-2018 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 4 - Knowledge
Nov-25-2018 Rania Kawar What To Do In The Battlefield
Nov-18-2018 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 3 - Wisdom
Nov-11-2018 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 2 -
Nov-04-2018 Doug Banks The Holy Spirit the Master Mentor - Part 1
Oct-28-2018 Jimmy Gibson Fall Missons Convention 2018 - 2
Oct-21-2018 Owen Carr Fall Missons Convention 2018 - 1
Oct-14-2018 Doug Banks The Natural and the Supernatural
Oct-07-2018 Doug Banks Speaking For Those Who Cannot Speak
Sep-30-2018 Doug Banks The Temptations of Christ - Part 3
Sep-23-2018 Nader Kawar Controlling Our Reactions
Sep-16-2018 Doug Banks The Temptations of Christ - Part 2
Sep-09-2018 Lamond Banks Letting Go of the Grip
Sep-02-2018 Doug Banks What's In Your Wallet?
Aug-26-2018 Doug Banks The Temptations of Christ - Part 1
Aug-19-2018 Tom Richardson Tom Richardson
Aug-12-2018 Doug Banks For the Battle is the Lords
Aug-05-2018 Doug Banks Wrestling For a Blessing with God
Jul-29-2018 Mike Williams Mike and Cindy Williams
Jul-22-2018 Doug Banks The Acts of the Sinful Nature and the Fruit of the Spirit - Self Control
Jul-15-2018 Nader Kawar Developing Confidence for the Future - Nader Kawar
Jul-08-2018 Nader Kawar How to Make Up Our Minds - Nader Kawar
Jul-01-2018 Doug Banks The River - Doug Banks
Jun-24-2018 Doug Banks The Acts of the Sinful Nature and the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
Jun-17-2018 Rick and Jan Cunningham Rick and Jan Cunningham
Jun-10-2018 Doug Banks The Acts of the Sinful Nature and the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
Jun-03-2018 Doug Banks The Acts of the Sinful Nature and the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
May-27-2018 Ryan Thomas Missionary Guest - Rev. Ryan Thomas - Second Service
May-27-2018 Ryan Thomas Missionary Guest - Rev. Ryan Thomas - First Service
May-20-2018 Doug Banks The Acts of the Sinful Nature and the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
May-13-2018 Gomez Family Gomez Family Testimony
May-06-2018 Doug Banks The Works of the Flesh vs. the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
Apr-29-2018 Rev Spencer Jones Missions Convention - Rev. Spencer Jones
Apr-22-2018 Dr. Mark Hausfeld Missons Convention - Dr. Mark Hausfeld
Apr-15-2018 Doug Banks The Acts of the Sinful Nature and the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
Apr-08-2018 Nader Kawar 3 Keys to Stay Fully Involved with God - Nader Kawar
Apr-01-2018 Doug Banks Christ Is Risen, Risen Indeed - Doug Banks
Mar-30-2018 Doug Banks Whom Shall We Serve? (Good Friday) - Doug Banks
Mar-25-2018 Doug Banks The Little Things Matter - Doug Banks
Mar-18-2018 Doug Banks The Acts of the Sinful Nature and the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
Mar-11-2018 Cornell Jordan Clear My Mind - Cornell Jordan
Mar-04-2018 Doug Banks The Works of the Flesh vs. the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
Feb-25-2018 Doug Banks The Acts of the Sinful Nature and the Fruit of the Spirit - Doug Banks
Feb-18-2018 Keith Garner Asia Pacific Media - Keith Garner
Feb-11-2018 Doug Banks Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy - Part 4
Feb-04-2018 Doug Banks Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy - Part 3
Jan-28-2018 Ron Auch Desire, Discipline, Delight
Jan-21-2018 Doug Banks Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy - Part 2
Jan-14-2018 Doug Banks Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy - Part 1
Jan-07-2018 Doug Banks In Step for 2018
English Sermons 2017
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Dec-31-2017 Nader Kawar Prophetic Vision
Dec-24-2017 Doug Banks In the Fullness of Time - Part 4
Dec-17-2017 Doug Banks In the Fullness of Time - Part 3
Dec-10-2017 Doug Banks SLIDES In the Fullness of Time - Part 2
Dec-03-2017 Doug Banks SLIDES In the Fullness of Time - Part 1
Nov-26-2017 Nader Kawar The Blessing of a Renewed Mind
Nov-19-2017 Doug Banks Barnabas: Son of Encouragement - Part 4
Nov-12-2017 Doug Banks Barnabas: Son of Encouragement - Part 3
Nov-05-2017 Doug Banks Barnabas: Son of Encouragement - Part 2
Oct-29-2017 Rocky & Sherry Grams Rocky & Sherry Grams: Missionaries to Argentina
Oct-15-2017 Doug Banks Barnabas: Son of Encouragement - Part 1
Oct-08-2017 Doug Banks SLIDES The Sanctuary and State of Our Heart
Oct-01-2017 Doug Banks Be Strong for the Lord Part 3 - Stand Firm
Sep-24-2017 Doug Banks Be Strong for the Lord Part 2- Perseverance
Sep-10-2017 Doug Banks Work of the Spirit or Work of the Flesh
Sep-03-2017 Doug Banks Hearing from God, Gaining Direction for Your Life
Aug-27-2017 Nader Kawar Jars of Clay
Aug-20-2017 Doug Banks SLIDES When All You Can Do Is Laugh
Aug-13-2017 Doug Banks SLIDES A Planting of The Lord
Jun-11-2017 Lamond Banks Hurry Up and Wait
May-28-2017 Ron Auch Hearing God
May-14-2017 Lamond Banks Celebrating a Life of Love
May-07-2017 Doug Banks We Aren't Who We Want To Be
Apr-30-2017 Jon Dahlager Jon Dahlager
Apr-16-2017 Doug Banks Moved at the Point of Need
Apr-09-2017 JJ Molodecki
Apr-02-2017 Doug Banks The Dying Miracle
Mar-26-2017 Doug Banks A New Understanding
Mar-19-2017 Vicki's Testimony A New Victory
Mar-19-2017 Doug Banks A New Victory
Mar-12-2017 JJ Molodecki Preparing For The Promise
Mar-05-2017 Doug Banks A New Challenge
Feb-26-2017 Lamond Banks Are You Stuck In Reverse?
Feb-19-2017 JJ Molodecki Comfortable Christianity
Feb-12-2017 Jarman Esperance Jarman Esperance
Feb-05-2017 Doug Banks Transferring the Calling of God
Jan-29-2017 Doug Banks A Right To Be Born
Jan-22-2017 JJ Molodecki Is There More To Life Than This?
Jan-15-2017 Cornell Jordan Knowing Him
Jan-08-2017 Doug Banks The Fullness of Time
English Sermons 2016
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Aug-14-2016 Doug Banks SLIDES Life Outside These Walls - Part 2
Aug-21-2016 JJ Molodecki SLIDES Preventing Patterns From Imprisoning Us
Aug-28-2016 JJ Molodecki SLIDES Daily Choices That Define Our Christianity
Sep-04-2016 Doug Banks It's All About Focus
Sep-11-2016 Doug Banks Truth Or Consequences
Sep-18-2016 JJ Molodecki False Teachers
Oct-02-2016 JJ Molodecki SLIDES When You Don't See It Coming: Blindsided
Oct-09-2016 JJ Molodecki Grace Too Good To Be True
Oct-16-2016 Doug Banks How To Work In God's Will
Nov-06-2016 Doug Banks Finding Hope in a World of Hurt
Nov-13-2016 JJ Molodecki Finding Positives in the Negatives
Nov-20-2016 Doug Banks Finding Purpose in the Midst of Pain
Nov-27-2016 JJ Molodecki Advent
Dec-04-2016 Doug Banks Peace Beyond a Christmas Carol
Dec-11-2016 JJ Molodecki Miracle On 316 Street
Dec-18-2016 JJ Molodecki Dreaming of a Bright Christmas
Dec-25-2016 Doug Banks The Light That Leads Us Home
African Fellowship
Please click on an item
Dec-17-2017 Rania Kawar What is your Assignment in the Kingdom of God?
Ladies Virtual Prayer Retreat 2021

What a wonderful pleasure to introduce to you our Speaker for this years Zoom Prayer Retreat.

Shannon and her husband attend the English Congregation at Maranatha Chapel. She and Marshall have been married for 31 years. The have 3 adult daughters, and they are blessed with 4 grandchildren and one more making their entrance to the family in May. Shannon began writing a Christian Blog 3 years ago. Her desire is to encourage others through her gift of words; words that stirs the heart to pray and aim high for God’s Glory! It is in these words lives will be touched and hearts will be pointed to the Lord and they in turn will be moved to pray. It is in praying others will be used to touch God’s heart.

Shannon is currently pursuing a Ministerial Degree from Global University. A new Kindle E-Book was released last month. The title is: The Gracious Hand of God It is an encouragement and insight from the Book of Ezra for such a time as this. The Gracious Hand of God is available on Amazon Kindle and the paperback will be available next week.

For Shannon Bryant's books on her website, click here

For Shannon Bryant's books on Amazon, click here

Ladies Prayer 2021 Jan-29-2021 Shannon Bryant Prayer Matters (Fri Session)
Ladies Prayer 2021 Jan-30-2021 Shannon Bryant Prayer Matters (Sat Session)
Prayer Conference 2018 - Rev Ron Auch, Sr.
Jan-27-2018 Rev Ron Auch, Sr. Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy - Part 1
Jan-27-2018 Rev Ron Auch, Sr. Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy - Part 2
Ladies Prayer Conference 2016
Friday SLIDES Fat-Free Oil
Saturday Ann & Jen
Saturday Face the Facts
Saturday Power Full
Misc Media
Feb-2019 Ladies Sweet Life Event Feb 2019 VIDEO Ladies Sweet Life Event Feb 2019

2019 Tribune Article - African Ladies


Maranatha Chapel

Maranatha Chapel exists to glorify God by providing a prayer-empowered environment wherein evangelism and discipleship are nurtured. So our commission to plant churches and send laborers is accomplished.



Nader & Rania Kawar


Bob Morton


Nader & Rania Kawar


John Evers


Joyann Ainley


“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” — Ephesians 2:8

Adult Ministry

Adult Ministry

Women’s Ministry

Maranatha Chapel’s Women’s Ministries seeks to meet women where they are in their spiritual journey; help them grow in their relationship with God; and encourage them in their faith as a gift to be passed to others. Along with Bible studies offered to women throughout the week, a number of special conferences and events are offered during the year for the purpose of mutual encouragement, spiritual support, and an opportunity to know Christ more intimately and make Him known to others.

Men’s Ministry

A ministry to men which seeks to encourage and equip men to be godly husbands, fathers and workers. Various conferences and retreats are planned throughout the year–as well as a once-a-month Saturday morning breakfast where men gather for mutual ministry and fellowship.

Seniors’ Ministry (age 50 & Up)

A ministry to senior adults to promote spiritual growth, self-respect, Christian fellowship, meaningful service, discipleship, and continued learning.

Adult Small Groups

Small groups are made up of 8-15 people and English meet in the 9731 building 3 East, Arabic meet in the 9717 Pulaski house on Tuesday nights for Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. The purpose of these groups is to help believers mature in character reflecting the nature of Christ in their lives. The curriculum and video teaching is provided in English and Arabic.

Missions Prayer Group

This group provides prayer support and encouragement to our own missionaries we support. Via email and missions letters we are able to receive urgent requests and praise reports. As we intentionally target areas with prayer, we expect to see God move and do miraculous things. This group meets on Tuesday nights at 7 p.m.

Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry
Maranatha Kingdom Kids
John Evers
John Evers!

Our Nursery is open Sunday morning and Tuesday night during service for birth. It is a sweet, safe, secure, and comfortable environment where your precious little ones will be held, comforted, loved, and played with.


Ages 3-5 or until kindergarten (must be potty trained). Your preschoolers will enjoy the secure, fun atmosphere where they will learn about Jesus through creative Bible lessons, music, hands on activities and crafts.

K- 5th Grade

In Kingdom Kids we believe that there is nothing more important than a child’s relationship with God. We strive to partner with parents to see kids enter into a lifelong relationship with Jesus. Join us as we put our faith into action! We will dive into Bible lessons that will enhance your child’s walk with God! From interactive worship to the life-changing Bible stories, your child will be captivated and challenged every week to grow closer to God.

Royal Rangers (Boys)

Royal Rangers is a curriculum based ministry for boys that meets every Tuesday at 7p.m. and is meant to connect boys and leaders for the purpose of developing mentoring relationships. The boys regularly work toward merits, take part in life skills training, and participate in larger scale events such as camp outs, pinewood derby races, and service opportunities. The goal of Royal Rangers is to equip, empower, evangelize and to grow a generation of Christ-like men who are committed to a life of servant hood.

MPact Clubs for Girls

Mpact is a girls club that meets every Tuesday at 7pm and are designed to help girls become women of God. This is a place where girls learn biblical truths for living and impacting their world through Bible stories, earning badges, unit memory verses, and crafts. The bottom line is Mpact is a fun and exciting program that kids love!

Outreach Ministry

Outreach Ministry

We do a lot of work in the community including:

  • Angel Tree (helping families of those incarcerated)
  • Food Pantry (Filling the Evergreen Park Food Pantry)
  • Family Nights for the Community
  • ESL

Youth Ministry

Youth Ministry

VERACITY (Grades 6th-12th)


7PM Veracity Worship Service

We are excited that you are checking out Veracity! Allow me to answer some questions you might have.

Are junior and senior highers together?

Yes, junior high and high school meet together in Worship and Sermon times, but we have extended small groups every week to go over elements that are age appropriate to the topic of the week. We even divide Freshmen and Sophomores from the Juniors on up.

What is a typical Tuesday like?

It depends on the Tuesday. The first Tuesday of every month is Apollos Night where there is more emphasis on small groups, a game or skit, and friend friendly teaching. The second and fourth Tuesdays are Encounter Night. This is more of a discipleship time where we have small groups, then live worship, and sermon. The Third Tuesday is our most popular one; Coffee House! We have food, meet in groups of students own choosing, welcome new people, and answer ANY question about God, religion, or the church.

Do you do anything outside of Tuesdays?

We meet at least twice a month for hang out nights, movies, other fun activities the youth ask for. We sometimes meet with other Youth Groups as well as go to Conventions, Rallies, Missions Trips, and Winter Retreats. We also do some type of community outreach once a month as well.

What should my Student bring with them?

Questions! We thrive on critical thinking and honesty, hence the name Veracity. Bringing a Bible is always a good thing too!


Maranatha Chapel
9755 Pulaski Rd, Evergreen Park IL 60805
T (708) 422 4340
F (708) 422 4399
Scan our location:
MChapel Location QR
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Maranatha Chapel
9755 Pulaski Rd, Evergreen Park IL 60805
T (708) 422 4340
F (708) 422 4399
Scan our contact info:
MChapel QR
Get the App here:
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Get it on Google Play

 English as a Second Language

Free English classes are held in the Educational Complex at 9731 South Pulaski Road, Classes are free, however there is a charge for Student books. Classes are held three times a year, Fall Session, Winter Session, and Spring Session. Classes meet every Tuesday night, 7:00 – 8:30 P.M. The Fall session begins September 12th. For more information go to

There is a placement test to determine the student level. Fill up the Contact Our ESL Staff form below for Placement Test appointments.

To register for a class please complete the ESL Registration Form below and also our ESL Survey.

Registration Form


Contact Our ESL Staff


ESL Survey



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